
Thursday 5 December 2019

Film studies essay

Close up shots were used effectively in this film. For example, the director, Micheal Creagh, used a close-up shot when Ardel finds out his teacher(Miss Purday) is engaged. This shows the audience that Ardel is upset that Miss Purday is getting married and isn’t wearing the ring that he gave her. The director did this to show us how Ardel is feeling about Miss Purday being engaged to someone else. This works well with the change in Ardels facial expressions which went from happy to sad when he sees the ring. This reminds me of when Ardel is sitting in class staring at Miss Purday and the camera focuses on Ardel showing us that he has a crush Miss Purday.
A low angle camera shot was also used successfully in The Crush. We see this when Micheal Creagh(The director), used low angle camera shots when Ardel was looking at the wardrobe. This is used to show the audience that Ardel is thinking about using the gun on Pierce(Miss Purdays Fiance).  The purpose of this is to foreshadow something happening with the gun. Combined with the lighting to signal that something bad is going to happen. This also reminds me of the shot of him looking at the cowboy poster.
Sound effects were thankfully used in this film. For instance, the director used happy music the first time Ardel was walking through the park after giving miss Purday his ring. This makes the audience feel happy because they are listening to upbeat music. The director did this to show us that Ardel is happy that Miss Purday Accepted his ring. This worked well with another scene in the film which shows Ardel walking through the park again but the music, light and his facial expression have changed to show that he’s upset and sad.


Tuesday 19 November 2019

English creative writing.

This is my creative writing. This is unfinished

The forest felt lonely almost empty. All you can hear is the chirping of birds in the distance and the leaves crunching when you walk on them. In the distance, I just make out three objects. as I come closer those three random objects appear to be chairs. A golden-brown colour wood with blue cushions.  The cushions felt like they have been left there for many years. The wood had started turning green colour from the mould. 

All of a sudden I hear the crunching of leaves again but I’m alone. I slowly turn around. behind the tall slim birch trees, I make out a brown bear.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Creative writing- 5 Nov-

WALT: Identify and recognise ideas for our 'risk or challenge' creative writing task, as well as physical sensations associated with it.
Ideas for risk or challenge:
Camp activities-The 2 wire, solo,the swamp, night line.
Sports- Competitions, tournaments, traits etc.
Project k, hiking, rock climbing, being in the dark.
An abandoned house.
Being in the army.
Getting chased

Physical sensations:
-Sweat- palms, feet, back, Forehead, backside,  armpits, upper lips, back of knees.
Knees weak/shake
Need to go to the bathroom
Heavy breathing
Looking around a lot/walking back and forth
Leg bounce/shaking
heart pounding/racing/bursting
Butterflies in the stomach- blood drop

Thursday 31 October 2019

Persuasive-Week 3 Term 4- English.

"Movies are better than books"

Watch a story in less time.
Show you better 

movies are based on books
Movies leave stuff out.
Use your imagination.

1st paragraph
Movies leave stuff out.

2nd paragraph
Use your imagination.

3rd Paragraph
Movies are based on books


1st Paragraph: 
One of the many reasons I think books are better than movies is that movies leave stuff out. movies usually last for an hour-hour and a half. For example, harry potter books have a load more information compared to the movies. In these movies, some characters have been cut out, while other characters say things that they didn't say in the books. 

2nd Paragraph:
Watch movies doesn't really leave a lot of space for imagination. While reading about you think of what characters look and sound like in your head, However in movies, you can see how each character looks like and their emotions throughout the movie. But while reading you can create your own things from the story using the descriptive words in each sentence. 

I am aiming to improve my writing in the following 3 areas: Structure and Language, Sentence Structure, and Vocabulary

Thursday 24 October 2019

Persuasive-Week 2 Term 4- English.

"Team sports are better than individual sports"
Your argument? Team sports are better individual sports.

Good things about team sports:
Help with communication skills.
Use the team's different strengths to back each other.

Goods things about individual sports:
Only have to rely on your self.
Have to work on your self to get better not the whole team.

Order of ideas


First paragraph:
There are a lot of good things you need to have or learn if you want to play in a team. One of these things being teamwork. You need to teamwork a lot in life. For example, In many jobs, you need to be able to work well with people. By playing team sports you are already learning how to work with other peoples strengths.

Second paragraph:

Pasta-Home ec- week 2 term 4-

Feedback? It was alright but should cook more of it.
Improvement or modifications which can make? More pasta, less sauce

Next steps for own learning

The task- To make pasta
Skills within the team- Working well in the group and not arguing
Time management- We good of gone faster but we still manage to finish in time.
Image result for pasta

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Art-Term-3/4- 23 Oct 2019

What is your work about?  We doing a mural. The mural has to relate to the word whanaungatang(meaning relationship) 
How is it composed?  We made our vocal point the words(Whanau Aroha/Family love) and add a heart behind the o in Aroha. 
Why have you used the colours you have used? We used Pink and blue because we thought it would look good together. 
What indigenous art movements have you referenced? how? We will be adding Indigenous symbols to the sides of the mural. 

Include a picture

Wednesday 16 October 2019


Name a volcano? Paricutin.
Where is it? In Mexico.
Is it extinct, dormant or active?  It's extinct.
What type of volcano is it? A cinder cone.
Image result for diagram cinder cone volcano are formed
What rocks are formed by this volcano? Extrusive Igneous rocks

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Persuasive writing- The South Island is better than the North Island.

The South Island is better than the North Island.

List of good things about South Island:
Warmer weather

List of good things about the North Island:
less traffic.

First paragraph:
One thing that is better about North Island is that there is less traffic.

Second paragraph:
Although the North Island has less traffic, The South Island has warmer weather. This is because It's closer to Australia and the equator. Therefore the seasons are hotter in the South Islands.

Third Paragraph:


Friday 27 September 2019


What is Pumice?
It's a Extrusive igneous rock.

How does it form from Volcanoes?
The lava cooled quickly and the gas bubbles are trapped inside the rock.

What are its properties?
It is very light and porous making be able to float.

How is it like hokey pokey?
Hokey pokey is also porous because of gas bubbles being trapped

How did we make it,and get it foamy?
We put baking soda into the mixture and mix it quick so the gasses can't escape.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Persuasive writing- Older buildings should not be demolished and replaced with more energy efficient buildings.

Older buildings should not be demolished and replaced with more energy efficient buildings.

Can have things done to it to make it more energy efficient.
Some buildings have Art on them,.
Good for environment
1. Some buildings have Art on them, Have old buildings can show people how things use to look like. have some interesting story's behind the house

2. Can have things done to it to make it more energy efficient, Solar panels, Energy efficient heaters.

3. saves energy so its good for the environment 


There are a lot of old buildings around Christchurch. A lot of these buildings are very special to the people that live in Christchurch. Demolishing these buildings will get rid of the art on them. You could add things into the building to save energy. It will also save energy for the mean time.

Christchurch is fulled with old buildings. If we were to demolish them it would get rid of most of the art on the buildings. Quite few tourists come to Christchurch to look at all the art and the stories that the display shows. Taking away the buildings with end in less money that is needed for important things like health.  Instead of getting rid of the buildings you could just add some energy efficient things to it.

The Art in Christchurch is very special to the people who live there and the people who want to see it. You could keep the buildings but simply just adding in some energy efficient appliances. For example you could add some Solar panels or some energy efficient heaters. Changing the light bulbs to some that is energy efficient as well. Doing these things might also help with the environment.

Friday 6 September 2019

Types of bridges

Type 1-Suspension bridge
how do they support weight?
The suspensions bridge smaller wires hold the tension from the weight, making support.

Type 2-Arch bridge
how do they support weight? It uses wedges to make a seedy base

Type 3-Cantilever bridge
How do they support weight? It uses the weight from the bridge to support the weight on the bridge.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Persuasive writing-Reptiles should not be allowed as domestic pets-

Reptiles should not be allowed as domestic pets

They need special care that humans can't always give.
They are a health risk for most people who they come into contact with.
People don't know how to take care of them correctly.

Expand your Ideas.

Idea-1 Reptiles need special care.
They need things that human can't provided like correct habitat and food.

Idea-2 Reptiles are a health risk for most people who they come into contact with.
Reptiles have different behaviours like all animals and are very unpredictable. Might think that your fingers or other body parts are food. Could think your attacking it so will attack you.

Idea-3 People don't know how to take care of them correctly.
Reptiles need to feel safe and welcomed. They also need a place that is correct for they kind of reptile it is. We also do fully understand what their actions mean and could be stressing them out.

Reptiles are considered a domestic pet in many countries. Reptiles should't be allow as a pet because they need special care, can be a health risk to the owner or anyone how comes into contact with the reptile, and many people don't know how to take care if it.

Like most animals reptiles have a special diet and habitat to suit their needs. As humans we can't understand what they need or why. For example we can only try to recreate a lizards habitat but will miss things that the lizard need. Where as if the lizard was in its natural habitat it would already have most of the things it needs to live. We might also might be scaring that reptile thinking that we are a predator.

Reptiles are very protective of their home. 

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Spring looks like blooms
Spring tastes like fresh strawberries 
Spring smells like freshly cut grass
Spring feels like hot but cold
Spring sounds like kids playing

Summer looks like dried out grass
Summer tastes like ice cream 
Summer smells like salty water 
Summer feels like the hot sun
Summer sounds like the ocean 

Autumn looks like dried up leaves 
Autumn tastes like pumpkin 
Autumn smells like camp fires 
Autumn feels like warm jerseys 
Autumn sounds like crunching leaves 

Winter looks like snowflakes falling
Winter tastes like hot chocolate 
Winter smells like soup
Winter feels like ice 

Winter sounds like crunching snow 

Neolithic and Palaeolithic stone age

what is the different Neolithic and Palaeolithic ages?
The Palaeolithic age had a lot more discovery's then the Neolithic age. Palaeolithic people didn't know how to store food or farm where as Neolithic people knew how to farm and store food much better.

Friday 30 August 2019


Improvement or modifications which can made?

Next steps for own learning

The task- To make pizza in a hour
Skills within the team- Spreed out the task evenly
Improvements-  Stay with the class and get work done quickly
Time management- keep up with the class.
Image result for mini pizza

Thursday 29 August 2019

Vegetarian sushi

Feedback? IT could of been better but over all pretty good.
Improvement or modifications which can made? Try using a different fulling

Next steps for own learning

The task- To make Vegetarian sushi in a hour
Skills within the team- Taking turns in doing different things through out the period.
Improvements-  Try work a bit faster so the group can keep up with everyone else
Time management- we still managed to finish in time. but could work faster

Thursday 22 August 2019

Fish and Chips home ec

-Taste,texture,colour etc of product
Improvement or modifications which can made 

Next steps for own learning

The task- The task was to make fish in chips in an hour.
Skills within the team- We were good at listening to each other.
Improvements-  Work faster and keep up so we don't fall behinds.
Time management- We need to work bit fast but we still managed to finish in time.

feedback- More Seasoning on the chips but over all, all right
Improve,ted or modifications which can be made? More seasoning so it has some more flavour because they were plain

Next steps for own learning 
Try communicating with the group a bit better

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Persuasive Essay #1-Aug 20th-

Topic- Drugs should not be allowed in sports.

My Ideas- 

  • Using drugs in bad for your mental and physical health 
  • It doesn't give people a far chance.
  • Setting a bad example for the young audience.   
Explain your ideas:
first point:
Can lead to mentally disorders
If you aren't in the right head space or not focusing you will most likely hurt your self or others.
Common side effects with anabolic steroids may include:
  • severe acne, oily skin and hair.
  • hair loss.
  • liver disease, such as liver tumours and cysts.
  • kidney disease.
  • heart disease, such as heart attack and stroke.
  • altered mood, irritability, increased aggression, depression or suicidal tendencies.

If your body gets use to drugs than will start using them for other reasons and your performance with out them will be significantly lower.

Second point:

Some people taken a lot more than others.
Some people don't taken them because of family values or religious reasons.

Third Point:

Encouraging little kids to do drugs.
Damaging young kids health at a young age.


In sports we are starting to see a huge amount of people use drugs. But using drugs comes with its side effects. Using them in sports is really bad for your mental and physical health, it sets a bad example for the younger generation and doesn't give people a fair chance to win.

One thing drugs is doing is damage your mental and physical health. For example, A few side effects you may get after taking steroids are, Heart diseases like heart attacks, kidney disease,liver disease and depression. While taking these you aren't in the right head space so you are more likely to hurt yourself or some else. it can also depend on how much you take.

The intake of drugs changes for each person. Either for religions reasons, their family values or just how much they want to take. For instance someone who is extremely religions probably isn't going to take drugs. But someone who doesn't have any family values or religion are more likely to take drugs. 

Another reason why drugs should not be allowed in sports is because it encourages the younger generation that you can only win with drugs. An example of this is, If a adult that a child looks up to is see doing something. 90 percent of the time the younger person is going to copy. The reason they will copy is because they what to be more like the person they look up to like athletes.

A lot more people are starting to use drugs it sports. But drugs have sides side effects. Side effects like damaging you mental and physical health. It also doesn't give people a fair chance to win or lose. As well as Encouraging a younger generation to do drugs. Drug can do a lot of damage.

Friday 16 August 2019

Wte-Write That Essay-15 Aug-

WALT: Identify WTE sentences to improve our writing.

The Simple Sentence:
Hornby High school is supposed to get their new buildings by the end term.

Very Short Sentence:
Students are overwhelmed.

The Power Sentence
The New buildings is mean't to be giving students a better experience.

Red,White and Blue:
The building are blue, Gray and white

The Adverb Start:
Remarkably, Hornby high school is getting three new buildings

Begin with Preposition:
Throughout two years Hornby high is creating a wonderful learning environment.

The -ing start:
Looking at the new buildings, They will be very modern.

The -ed start:
Committed to getting the buildings finished.

The w-start sentence:
When the buildings are finished it is going to be very stressful.

Explore the subject:
The new buildings, Something everyone be waiting for are about to be complete. 

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Electricity Circuits

In sciences we are learning about electricity. I create 2 circuits by following some instructions.

1. A circuit with 1x Light Bulb, 1x Power Supply, 1x Voltmeter, 1x Ammeter.
2. A parallel circuit with 2x Light Bulbs, 1x Switch that turns one bulb off/on, 2x Ammeters at two different points in the circuit.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Persuasive Writing (30 July 2019)

What is Pathos? Pathos is a method used to persuade other people with a emotional argument.
It is used to...  It is used to convince someone by using a emotional response.  
E.g If we don't move soon, we will die!

What is Logos? Logos is a statement or argument that is used to persuade people with logic.
It is used to... It is used to convince someone by using facts or numbers.
E.g Doctors all over the world recommend this type of treatment.
Logos is usually used in court. 

What is Ethos? Ethos is a way to convince someone with a persons name or social stat
It is used to... It is used to convince someone by using a popular person,celebrity or sometimes yourself  in the argument 
E.g As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this treatment will likely to give you the best results.

Why are we learning about Pathos,Logos and Ethos? We are learning this to help with our persuasive writing.

Friday 26 July 2019

Aboriginal Boomerangs

Image result for aboriginal symbols
1. What do your symbols mean?  The symbols are hard to explain so here is a photo instead.

2. What do your colours mean? Yellow represents the sun.  Blue represents water.  I couldn't find the meaning for the colour green.

3.What did you do well(in your research)? Finding the Symbols and what they meanings.

4. how could you have improved your research? I would use different words to find more information about the colours and symbols.

Thursday 25 July 2019

Critical Literacy-Salvation Army Winter Appeal-

What is the text about? How do we know?
The text is about energy poverty. We know this because it talks about families that have to living in energy poverty.

What does the author of this text want us to know?
The author of this text wants us to know about the people that live in energy poverty. They also want us to have more knowledge on the subject. The author was also trying to raise money for the people in need.

What genre does this text belong to?
It belongs to the advertisement genre because its a ad to help raise money for the people in energy poverty. They tried to get as many people as possible to see it by mailing to to a lot of people. So when someone looks at their mail they will most likely read it to see what its about.

Monday 17 June 2019

Skellig-David Almond-

What are the Images?
Birds or things with wings because they come up a lot in the story. For example Skellig has wings, Micheal moved to a house on falconer road, Mina also as a interest in birds.

what genre does this text belong to?
The genre is fiction because its not a true story. It also as Imaginary things (like Skellig).

In whose interest is the text?
Teenagers because the main character is a teenager or a similar age. They would be able to retaliate to the text more than some ages. The book might also frighten younger kids with the thought of having some random guy in there garage.

Monday 10 June 2019

What have I been learning?
In English I have been learning about how to link paragraphs in a essay.
How have I been learning it?
We wrote a essay using the S.E.X.Y paragraph.
S-Not only can we admire Lady Macbeth for her determination, but also for her unconditional love for her husband
E-This is demonstrated by the fact that she not only helped plan a murder for him,Macbeth, but she also helped carry out the plan, and cover it up.
X- This shows us that in life, even treacherous people, capable of murder can love their partners dearly.

Y-similarly, Hitler murder millions of people and had a partner called/named Eva Braun.
Why have I been learning it?
To prepare us for when we need to write a essay.  

What have I been learning?
In English I have also been learning about how to add more descriptive words.
How have I been learning it?
We wrote an essay and added descriptive words in.
*Not only can we admire Lady Macbeth for her determination, but also for her unconditional love for her husband
Why have I been learning it?
So I can making my writing interesting 

What have I been learning?
We have also been learning about Apostrophe and em-dash.
How have I been learning it?
We added them into the essay.
This is demonstrated by the fact that she not only helped plan a murder for him-Macbeth- but she also helped carry out the plan, and cover it up.
Why have I been learning it?
We learned about so we can add more info into the essay

Friday 31 May 2019

Acid rain

Why is acid rain bad?
Because it's has acid in it. The acid can break down metal. It also pollute water Killing fish and other water life. Kills trees.

How is it created?
Acid rain is created by factors. The factors burn things like coal and oil. They release molecules like nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. This molecules dissolve in the water in the clouds. Making acid rain.

How can we stop acid rain?
We can stop acid by not burning coal or oil in factors.

Thursday 30 May 2019


Does your design reflect your thumbnail sketches so far? Starting to look like it. The title is the only thing that looks like the thumbnail sketch so far.
Does your design reflect the feeling of your topic? It doesn't yet because we haven't done much.
Do you know where your leading lines are? There aren't any yet.
Do you know what your focal point is? There aren't any yet.