
Tuesday 20 August 2019

Persuasive Essay #1-Aug 20th-

Topic- Drugs should not be allowed in sports.

My Ideas- 

  • Using drugs in bad for your mental and physical health 
  • It doesn't give people a far chance.
  • Setting a bad example for the young audience.   
Explain your ideas:
first point:
Can lead to mentally disorders
If you aren't in the right head space or not focusing you will most likely hurt your self or others.
Common side effects with anabolic steroids may include:
  • severe acne, oily skin and hair.
  • hair loss.
  • liver disease, such as liver tumours and cysts.
  • kidney disease.
  • heart disease, such as heart attack and stroke.
  • altered mood, irritability, increased aggression, depression or suicidal tendencies.

If your body gets use to drugs than will start using them for other reasons and your performance with out them will be significantly lower.

Second point:

Some people taken a lot more than others.
Some people don't taken them because of family values or religious reasons.

Third Point:

Encouraging little kids to do drugs.
Damaging young kids health at a young age.


In sports we are starting to see a huge amount of people use drugs. But using drugs comes with its side effects. Using them in sports is really bad for your mental and physical health, it sets a bad example for the younger generation and doesn't give people a fair chance to win.

One thing drugs is doing is damage your mental and physical health. For example, A few side effects you may get after taking steroids are, Heart diseases like heart attacks, kidney disease,liver disease and depression. While taking these you aren't in the right head space so you are more likely to hurt yourself or some else. it can also depend on how much you take.

The intake of drugs changes for each person. Either for religions reasons, their family values or just how much they want to take. For instance someone who is extremely religions probably isn't going to take drugs. But someone who doesn't have any family values or religion are more likely to take drugs. 

Another reason why drugs should not be allowed in sports is because it encourages the younger generation that you can only win with drugs. An example of this is, If a adult that a child looks up to is see doing something. 90 percent of the time the younger person is going to copy. The reason they will copy is because they what to be more like the person they look up to like athletes.

A lot more people are starting to use drugs it sports. But drugs have sides side effects. Side effects like damaging you mental and physical health. It also doesn't give people a fair chance to win or lose. As well as Encouraging a younger generation to do drugs. Drug can do a lot of damage.


  1. Good job. I like how you listed all your ideas and points.

  2. Well done I really liked your Writing, I liked the paragraph about it would encourage younger kids into doing the same thing. Next time don't do a full stop then adding BUT after it.


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