
Tuesday 8 November 2016

food Zombie Apocalypse

I think food is the best because you can only last for 21 days before you die. Here are some cool facts about fooThere is a food substitute intended to supply all daily nutritional needs.

  • SO

  • Palm Oil Powtoon

    Palm oil powtoon

    Friday 14 October 2016

    My introduction

    Bang!I heard The gunshot.I looked down staring at the body's.right in front of me was a man with dark short hair wearing a black hoodie a  with orange jumpsuit.he raised his gun right when the when the police broke down  the door he turned around trying to shoot one of the police, they pulled out their guns and shoot it hit he right in the ear. He  turned running at me. I moved the side with fear he missed lying  there saying why didn't you help me why?the police grabbed him putting him in the car. They asked me some questions about the guy

    Tuesday 20 September 2016

    Neika Nararrtive 20/9

    I looked down with fear as i started crossing the swung from side to side. I could hear people saying you can do it.i was so close to the end when the bridge turned over most people fell I grabbed the rope and was swing. Everyone gasped as crocodiles can up the river. I was trying to climb up to the bridge before the crocodiles came. They were right under me as I jumped and landed on the bridge. I was so glad that I had done it I run slowly because I didn’t want to fall again.When i got to the end I was shaking with fear. Every time I looked back I would start to shake.My Sister had falling in the lake at was on the other side trying to cross i said don't cross you are going to fall again. I cryed as she started falling,she landed with a splash. I jumped in to try and get her but it was too late.

    I was going for a walk in the woods when I came to an old and yucky looking bridge. I look at the bridge thinking that if I don’t make it what will happen

    Monday 19 September 2016


    I want to find out how to grow sustainable garden.

    things I need to consider:
    • Can the plants grow in our climate?

    •  What plants can you grow when planted in September?

    • How long do they take to mature?when can they be harvested?
    • How can I water them during the holidays? Self watering plants 

    • How do I keep pests away?coffee grounds 

    Beetroot,carrot,sunflowers and turnip.Plants

    Christchurch has temperate climate.  Here is a link to list of plants that can be grown in Christchurch during September.

    I would like to grow:
    • Beetroot to be ready in November
    • Sunflowers to be ready in November
    • Carrot to be ready in November 
    • Turnip to be ready in November 

    Self watering System


    • Weeding/Gardening Tools
    • Seeds
    • Plastic 2L Water Bottles
    • Scissors
    • String and 1m ruler
    • Stakes
    • Fertilizer
    1. Using string, mark out a 1m x 1m garden plot.
    2. Pull out the weeds and use a spade to turn over the soil.
    3. Mix the fertilizer in with the soil.
    4. Plant the seeds according to the map below.
    5. Put the plastic bottle greenhouses over the seeds.
    6. Add the self-watering system.

    Thursday 25 August 2016

    The Dirtiest place in the School

    Hypothesis:I think the bathroom taps are the dirtiest place because people clean there hands and the have to turn it on.

    Rubbish bins  Food room bench         door handles   inside toilet door
    toilet seat       under tables                  table tops       outside toilet door
    gym floor        library book                 glass windows  General air
    under J block  chrome book keyboard  Bathroom tap  our hands Drinking fountains

    Equipment: Agar dishes,cotton buds, cellotape

    Method: Take cotton bud and wipe it firmly over the surface.
    wipe cotton bud across the agar jelly carefully.
    seal the agar plate with cellotape and write the location on the tape
    store upside down in a dark location

                                                                     what we found?
                         The cleanest place in the school was Mr Stock door handle because it didn't have any bacteria on it.
    the dirtiest place in the school was Miss Richardson laptop because she never cleans it and it had lots of bacteria.
    I was surprised by Miss Richardson's laptop being the most dirtiest place in the school.

    Tuesday 16 August 2016

    How to make Biltong

    I want to find how to make Biltong


     Steak Spices for flavouring (Like ginger and  garlic)

    A small handful of Salt.


    Sharp knife.


    Making the Biltong

    Cut the raw meat into thin strips about 1-2cm wide.

    Put the strips of meat into a bowl.

    Add the salt and spices into the bowl.

    Rub all the ingredients into the meat.

    Tie a piece of string around the end of each strip.

    Tie the other onto a drying line.

    Leave the meat to dry for one week.



    Tuesday 9 August 2016

    making Ginger Beer

     Our goal is to find out how to make Ginger Beer.

    How to make the ginger beer
    Step 1: Peel ginger.
    Step 2: Put the ginger in the blender with water- blend for 15-20 seconds.
    Step 3: Strain and  add the sugar and cloves-then refrigerate the ginger beer.
    Step 4: Finished!

    This is what it looks like in the bottom
    When I smelled the ginger beer it smells like rotten bread.

    when I tasted the ginger beer it tasked I eat rotten bread and it stayed in my mouth till i eat something

    When Mr stock shook the bottle it fizz up and I saw bubbles go up.


    yeast is a type fungus/mould

    Monday 1 August 2016

    bread experiment, Growing mould

    what causes bread to go of/rot
    Hypothesis-being left in air,being moist/damp/humid being left in a warm place

    Equipment-half i slice of bread.
                      sandwich bag(per slice)
                      half a paper towel
                      10mls of water

    What are the best conditions for growing mold?
    I think the best condition for growing mold is water and no air or light because it has more water because the sun can not dry up the water.

    mold that is red is not dangers
    mold that is green is not as dangers as the black but can cores dangers things
    black is the most dangers it cores all sorts of things

    science badge Question

    Question-How does milk become yoghurt.

    Hypothesis- put cold milk and whisk the milk and cream together.
    materials- Milk, yoghurt 

    Its a bacteria used to make yoghurt                                        
    It helps the intestines by cleaning                                        

    what temp. does bacteria reproduce? 37 C
    What temp is a fridge? 4-6 C
    what is the healthy temp of the human body? 37 c                        

    In a beaker add 150mls of trim milk and 2tsps of acidophilus youghurt. stir to mix. leave out over night repeat with cream and blue(full)milk

    Observations- trim milk is normal and whiter then the others.
                        -blue milk whiter then cream and a bit bubbly.
                        -Cream look yellow and has more in it.

    blue Milk-

    -what does look smell like?it looks like/smell like? It looks like milk but smells like nothing

    -what happened to change it? bacteria  reproduced, fed of the sugar in the milk,Trim milk made it thinner yoghurt than blue milk or cream because it has less sugar 

    -was my hypothesis right/or wrong? wrong,why because I did how to male it 

    science badge Question

    Question-How does milk become yoghurt.

    Hypothesis- put cold milk and whisk the milk and cream together.
    materials- Milk, yoghurt 

    Its a bacteria used to make yoghurt                                        
    It helps the intestines by cleaning                                        

    what temp. does bacteria reproduce? 37 C
    What temp is a fridge? 4-6 C
    what is the healthy temp of the human body? 37 c                        

    In a beaker add 150mls of trim milk and 2tsps of acidophilus youghurt. stir to mix. leave out over night repeat with cream and blue(full)milk

    Observations- trim milk is normal and whiter then the others.
                        -blue milk whiter then cream and a bit bubbly.
                        -Cream look yellow and has more in it.

    blue Milk-

    -what does look smell like?it looks like/smell like? It looks like milk but smells like nothing

    -what happened to change it? bacteria  reproduced, fed of the sugar in the milk,Trim milk made it thinner yoghurt than blue milk or cream because it has less sugar 

    -was my hypothesis right/or wrong? wrong,why because I did how to male it 

    hands on fire

    I  want to safely but my hands on fire.

    safety glasses.

    1.tie hair up to be safe and
    2.wear safety glasses.
    3.roll up your top as high as you can

    wet your arms so the fire doesn't hurt you.

    to stop the fire put  your hands out 

    don't put your hands down 

    Wednesday 6 July 2016

    Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.

    Tuesday 10 May 2016

    How the Earth was made

    YouTube clip on how the earth was made

    •  4.5 billion years ago the sun was surround by cloud.

    • cloud cool and minerals formed .
    • minerals started to stick together. 

    • to form life a meteorite hit the earth it had a chemical called Amino Acid

    Thursday 7 April 2016

    walking in a straight line

    I want to see if i need  my smell,taste,sight,hearing and touch to walk in a straight line.

    I think that we can't walk in a straight line because we cant see,smell,heard things we well walk and go funny.


    1.Blindfold to stop you from seeing.
    2.cotton wool to stop you from hearing and smelling.
     I look funny

    3.bucket over you head so you feel the wind and the sun.

    I am going to attempt to walk in 200 m straight line to a stake in the ground.
    Put some cotton wool up your nose to stop yourself from smelling that lovely baking smell that will help you with your direction.Put some cotton wool up in your ears to stop yourself from hearing the cars for the road. Blindfold yourself.Finally, put a bucket over your head.Finally, put a bucket over your head

    Now you are ready to walk.

    I can't walk in a straight line. I wasn't walking straight thought i was going I the right way but i swerved to one side to a other.

    I see thee ground but that was all I could see.When I put the cotton wool in i couldn't  hear a thing.Then in my  nose two went so i  couldn't smell anything. The bucket and the blind fold were to stop me from seeing things. 

    People can get lost in the bush becauseYou have stronger then the other so you will put most of your wight on one leg  so you will go round and   round   

    Tuesday 22 March 2016

    Burning Magnesium

    I want to find out what happens when i burn magnesium.

    I predict that the magnesium will turn i different color.

    Bunsen burger
    scissor tongs
    safety glasses


    1. Get  your equipment.


    Tuesday 15 March 2016

    Writing a scientific Report

    This is what I want to find out. 

    This is educated guess.

    This is a list of the materials I need.

    These are step-by-step instructions

    These are my observations
    Also i need to do a graph.