
Wednesday 29 May 2019


Valiant soldier or violent schemer at the beginning? Macbeth was a valiant soldier.

Why is he obsessed with killing Banquo? (oh yeah, and Fleance too)Because he feared that Banquo knew he killed king Duncan.

Has he completely lost it in the Banquet scene? (do you think the Ghost is real or imaginary?)

Yes because he thought he saw Banquo but it was just his imagination.
He visits the Witches for a second time. Why? How does he react?
He went because he needed to know who was going to kill him or if someone was going to kill him. His reaction was Fearless knowing what he was told by the witches.

How does he justify his decision to proceed down the path of evil?
The reason he continued to go down the path of evil was because he had already killed someone.Making Him already guilty.

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