
Friday 27 September 2019


What is Pumice?
It's a Extrusive igneous rock.

How does it form from Volcanoes?
The lava cooled quickly and the gas bubbles are trapped inside the rock.

What are its properties?
It is very light and porous making be able to float.

How is it like hokey pokey?
Hokey pokey is also porous because of gas bubbles being trapped

How did we make it,and get it foamy?
We put baking soda into the mixture and mix it quick so the gasses can't escape.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Persuasive writing- Older buildings should not be demolished and replaced with more energy efficient buildings.

Older buildings should not be demolished and replaced with more energy efficient buildings.

Can have things done to it to make it more energy efficient.
Some buildings have Art on them,.
Good for environment
1. Some buildings have Art on them, Have old buildings can show people how things use to look like. have some interesting story's behind the house

2. Can have things done to it to make it more energy efficient, Solar panels, Energy efficient heaters.

3. saves energy so its good for the environment 


There are a lot of old buildings around Christchurch. A lot of these buildings are very special to the people that live in Christchurch. Demolishing these buildings will get rid of the art on them. You could add things into the building to save energy. It will also save energy for the mean time.

Christchurch is fulled with old buildings. If we were to demolish them it would get rid of most of the art on the buildings. Quite few tourists come to Christchurch to look at all the art and the stories that the display shows. Taking away the buildings with end in less money that is needed for important things like health.  Instead of getting rid of the buildings you could just add some energy efficient things to it.

The Art in Christchurch is very special to the people who live there and the people who want to see it. You could keep the buildings but simply just adding in some energy efficient appliances. For example you could add some Solar panels or some energy efficient heaters. Changing the light bulbs to some that is energy efficient as well. Doing these things might also help with the environment.

Friday 6 September 2019

Types of bridges

Type 1-Suspension bridge
how do they support weight?
The suspensions bridge smaller wires hold the tension from the weight, making support.

Type 2-Arch bridge
how do they support weight? It uses wedges to make a seedy base

Type 3-Cantilever bridge
How do they support weight? It uses the weight from the bridge to support the weight on the bridge.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Persuasive writing-Reptiles should not be allowed as domestic pets-

Reptiles should not be allowed as domestic pets

They need special care that humans can't always give.
They are a health risk for most people who they come into contact with.
People don't know how to take care of them correctly.

Expand your Ideas.

Idea-1 Reptiles need special care.
They need things that human can't provided like correct habitat and food.

Idea-2 Reptiles are a health risk for most people who they come into contact with.
Reptiles have different behaviours like all animals and are very unpredictable. Might think that your fingers or other body parts are food. Could think your attacking it so will attack you.

Idea-3 People don't know how to take care of them correctly.
Reptiles need to feel safe and welcomed. They also need a place that is correct for they kind of reptile it is. We also do fully understand what their actions mean and could be stressing them out.

Reptiles are considered a domestic pet in many countries. Reptiles should't be allow as a pet because they need special care, can be a health risk to the owner or anyone how comes into contact with the reptile, and many people don't know how to take care if it.

Like most animals reptiles have a special diet and habitat to suit their needs. As humans we can't understand what they need or why. For example we can only try to recreate a lizards habitat but will miss things that the lizard need. Where as if the lizard was in its natural habitat it would already have most of the things it needs to live. We might also might be scaring that reptile thinking that we are a predator.

Reptiles are very protective of their home. 

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Spring looks like blooms
Spring tastes like fresh strawberries 
Spring smells like freshly cut grass
Spring feels like hot but cold
Spring sounds like kids playing

Summer looks like dried out grass
Summer tastes like ice cream 
Summer smells like salty water 
Summer feels like the hot sun
Summer sounds like the ocean 

Autumn looks like dried up leaves 
Autumn tastes like pumpkin 
Autumn smells like camp fires 
Autumn feels like warm jerseys 
Autumn sounds like crunching leaves 

Winter looks like snowflakes falling
Winter tastes like hot chocolate 
Winter smells like soup
Winter feels like ice 

Winter sounds like crunching snow 

Neolithic and Palaeolithic stone age

what is the different Neolithic and Palaeolithic ages?
The Palaeolithic age had a lot more discovery's then the Neolithic age. Palaeolithic people didn't know how to store food or farm where as Neolithic people knew how to farm and store food much better.