
Monday 17 June 2019

Skellig-David Almond-

What are the Images?
Birds or things with wings because they come up a lot in the story. For example Skellig has wings, Micheal moved to a house on falconer road, Mina also as a interest in birds.

what genre does this text belong to?
The genre is fiction because its not a true story. It also as Imaginary things (like Skellig).

In whose interest is the text?
Teenagers because the main character is a teenager or a similar age. They would be able to retaliate to the text more than some ages. The book might also frighten younger kids with the thought of having some random guy in there garage.

Monday 10 June 2019

What have I been learning?
In English I have been learning about how to link paragraphs in a essay.
How have I been learning it?
We wrote a essay using the S.E.X.Y paragraph.
S-Not only can we admire Lady Macbeth for her determination, but also for her unconditional love for her husband
E-This is demonstrated by the fact that she not only helped plan a murder for him,Macbeth, but she also helped carry out the plan, and cover it up.
X- This shows us that in life, even treacherous people, capable of murder can love their partners dearly.

Y-similarly, Hitler murder millions of people and had a partner called/named Eva Braun.
Why have I been learning it?
To prepare us for when we need to write a essay.  

What have I been learning?
In English I have also been learning about how to add more descriptive words.
How have I been learning it?
We wrote an essay and added descriptive words in.
*Not only can we admire Lady Macbeth for her determination, but also for her unconditional love for her husband
Why have I been learning it?
So I can making my writing interesting 

What have I been learning?
We have also been learning about Apostrophe and em-dash.
How have I been learning it?
We added them into the essay.
This is demonstrated by the fact that she not only helped plan a murder for him-Macbeth- but she also helped carry out the plan, and cover it up.
Why have I been learning it?
We learned about so we can add more info into the essay