
Monday 11 April 2022

The Croods

 The Croods is a caveman family. I have been tasked with figuring out what homo species they are!!! To start us off I will look at cultural evolution.

They can language which means they have an advanced brain with the brocas area at the very least somewhat developed. This means that they are homo habilis or a later species. They wear clothes that started with homo sapiens. Visually they are larger than the average homo sapien. With this information alone I can conclude the following: In conclusion, they are a  homo sapiens with insane levels of strength, since I have discovered this new species I am going to name them "Homo neanderthalensis"

Friday 11 March 2022

Level 3 Biology Homo Naledi

This article is about Homo Naledi. Who found in the Rising star cave.

They had a mix of Ape like and early Homo adaptations.

For example, its hands, and shoulders are very similar to those of the australopithecines.

They may have still lived in both the trees and in the ground.

They might have gone up into the trees to gather food or stay away from prey.

But then their lower body has more homo features. Since they were found in a cave

, it may be evidence that they buried the dead. T

here are no marks on the bones showing that they were dragged in there by prey.

So people are speculating that others dumped them in the cave to depose them. 

There are still a lot of unanswered questions about the



Anarchism-belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.

the belief that the government is bad and is unnecessary.
We see this when Joker is standing in the car surrounded by the rioting clowns. Showing that the government is unnecessary is just a social concept and a way for people to gain power.

Absurdism-the belief that human beings exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe.

The idea is that people live in a meaningless universe. 
We see this at the end of Joker when Joker is laughing at a joke he was thinking about and his therapist asks what the joke was, Joker then told her that she wouldn’t get it.

Existentialism-a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.

The idea is that we create our own meaning and purpose for our life.
We see this when

Nihilism-the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.

All values are meaningless and nothing can be known.
We see this when Joker kills his mum. 
.Joker Review: Joaquin Phoenix Changes Superhero Movies Forever | IndieWire