
Friday 23 March 2018


Aim: To separate the different pigments in inks or dyes using filter paper

a strip of filter paper

1. Cut  a strip of filter paper that is long enough to reach the bottom of the beaker
2.put a line on the filter paper a finger away from the bottom of the paper.
3.fill your beaker so the ink dot doesn't get wet. a dot on the line. the dot needs to be concentrated
5.wait to see what happens.

The ink on the filter paper went down as the water went up. I learnt that water carries the ink down and the solvent that I was using dragged the ink down.

Monday 19 March 2018

Growing Crystals

Aim: I want to find out how to make crystals form in a super solution.


  • A supersaturated of Sodium Acetate 
  • A seed crystal of sodium acetate 
  • Bunsen burner
  • Heat Mat 
  • Boiling tube 
  • Scissor Tongs
  • funnel 
  • filter paper 
  • Small Beaker 

  1. Add the supersaturated Sodium Acetate in the filter with filter paper
  2. the sodium acetate. make sure the test tube is facing the wall
  3. take the test tube in and out ever 10 seconds
  4. put the test tube into a beaker with cold water after all of the crystals are gone.
  5. wait for about five minutes for the Sodium Acetate to cool down.
  6. get one crystal/crystal seed. put one crystal/crystal seed into the test tube after it's cooled down. Something will happen

I learnt that a crystal seed is just one crystal.
I thought it looks really cool in the end when I put the crystal in it.
I like how it doesn't take that long to do this 

Wednesday 14 March 2018


I want to investigate how to dilute a solution.

Test Tube Rack
Test Tubes
10mL measuring cylinder


Fill measuring cylinder with 10mL of water

Add 10mL of water to a test tube

Add 9mL of water to 5 more tests tubes.

Add a small spatulaful of Potassium Permanganate to the first 10mL test tube of water

Add 1mL of the dark purple Potassium Permanganate into the second test tube.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Uk social studies

We were put into cultural groups.We had to make a slide. We covered street names, clothing etc about the UK. We have to share it in front of the class. something I found interesting is the Uk have foods that  are swear words

Monday 5 March 2018

Bouncing ball

Aim: I want to investigate how high the ball can bounce a from different heights

Hypothesis: I think the higher you drop the ball then the higher it bounces.

ball,  stand, ruler, something to record on(ex, phone, laptop), paper or laptop to write results

Step 1.get equipment
step 2.Put the ruler on a stand so it stands up straight.
Step 3.record the drop from 1 meter and record it on slow-mo.
Step 4. drop the ball 3 times to make sure that your results are correct.
step 5.drop the ball from different heights

The higher you drop a ball the higher it bounces

control variables:
*the type of ball
*what it bounces on

Dependent variable
*the hight the ball bounce after being dropped from different heights

Independent  variables
*The heights the balls being dropped from.