
Friday 22 September 2017


list of what we need.
hot glue gun
pictures of what they eat
picture or plastic dolphin

I'm going to make model of a reserve.

1. List 5 facts about the species that you want to save/repopulate/breed?

  1. Maui dolphin
  2. Hector's dolphin
  3. dusky dolphin
  4. Hoki
  5. flatfish

    2. how is you project going to help save/breed/repopulate.
    because there will be no fishing,boating or predators.
    flatfish Image result for Flatfish
    hokiImage result for hoki fish
    dusky dolphin   Image result for dusky dolphin
    Hector's dolphine inImage result for Hector's dolphin
    Maui dolphinImage result for Maui dolphin

    1. what is my project? My project is a model of a marine reserve.
    2. How does it work? Well we try to make a model of what we will do if we were to have a marine reserve.
    3 what it will sustain and how? we will try to breed the Maui dolphins and help them learn to survive in the ocean.

    Thursday 7 September 2017


    7th September
    Lo-Understand what we are learning about in this unit. Identify issues associated with the sustainability of whales.

    1.he ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
    2.Image result for sustainability

    There are 86 species whales on earth!
    here are 6 species of whales:

    killer whale

    blue whale
    Image result for blue whale
    grey whale
    Image result for grey whale
    humpback whale 
    Image result for grey whale
    Beluga whale 
    Image result for Beluga whale
    hector beaked whale
    Image result for hector beaked whale
    shepherds beaked whale
    Image result for killer whale jumping out of water
     Image result for shepherd's beaked whale

    One reasons whales are endangered is because of whale hunting because the kill the whales. also when they build bridges over to another island they destroy fish and whales homes. fish effects the food and kills them from starvation. oil can get in they lungs in a oils spills so we should try and stop oil from going in ships.

    8th September
    Lo-Identify ways in which we can reduce the factors affecting whale population.
    Kiera and I want to t petition for whale hunting. so that whales aren't aloud to be hunted in New Zealand. If whales go extinct then there will be over population that can course lots of disease. it will also damage the floor of the ocean. if there is over population then new disease spread ap-0 


    1.A species of animal or plant that is seriously at risk of extinction.

    2. list 5 endangered animals 

    1.The Māui dolphin
    2.The Mokohinau stag beetle
    3. Canterbury knobbled weevil
    4. Isoetes
    5.New Zealand fairy tern

    3. Making safe nesting places,slowing ships down to all 12 knots so they don't hit whales and kill them, not letting dogs or humans near the animal or not over fishing.

    I choose to do The Māui dolphin. the reason the Māui dolphin are endangered because of fishing nets,over fishing and ships hitting the māui dolphins. the way i would help them is having a place the only the dolphins and other fish are. where no fishing,ships or animals that kill them.


    LO- describe what the issues are in regards to the destruction of forests and what can be done to regenerate the forests.
    1. 5 use for trees.
    1.Takes out the carbon dioxide from the air.
    2. Gives us oxygen.
    3.You can make paper out of it.
    4. To grow fruit in.
    5.Making fires to keep warm.
    1. rimu tree.Image result for rimu tree
    2. Tawa treeImage result for Beilschmiedia tawa
    3. Coprosma obconica.   Image result for Coprosma obconica    
    4. Kauri tree.Image result for kauri tree   
    5. Acrothamnus colensoi (Colensos Mingimingi)Image result for Acrothamnus colensoi (Colensos Mingimingi)
    4. trees pruduced oxygen from carbon dioxide,Plants that aren't quite tall enough to be considered trees are often called shrubsm,The tallest species of trees in the world include the Coast Redwood, Giant Sequoia, Coast Douglas Fir, Sitka Spruce and Australian Mountain Ash,trees can live for thousands of years.

    Describe at least 4 consequences for what would happen if there where no trees.
    1.people can die because they will be know oxygen. can't draw on paper or make anything using wood. have to make money out of something else.
    4.there will be lots of extinct species.